Thursday 8 March 2012


Eulogy to my Fallen Pride…                        

O Fallen Pride! O Fallen pride!! O Fallen Pride!!!
How have I fallen; and my buffing ego crashed!

Pride, Pride, Pride…
You seem to me like a mere concept or an ideology,
Little did I know that you are deadly killer.
You seem to me like a part of our life
Little did I know that pride is a virus to combat.
O Pride, the bullet that cripples a giant!

If there were just one thing God hates, it is pride!
The psalmist says that pride goes before a fall; it really does.
I thought that Jesus’ parable of the rich fool in the gospel was just a myth,
It was not! The Master meant every bit of His word.
Just entertaining a proud thought, merited the rich man to have the raggy title of a Fool.
O Pride, the virus that makes us Fools!

Pride can make God condemn his best!
Satan was a victim of pride, till date, he is yet to recover from it;
Moses fell a victim; the Promised Land eluded him;
Nebuchadnezzar sowed pride, he became a herbivore.
I fell; I knew how foolish I am.
O Pride, a gap between God and his lovers!

Humility can make God share his kingdom and give to the humble.
Jesus is so highly held by His Father because though he was God,
He did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped.
Mary is the Queen of heaven because she was a humble maiden on earth.
David is the man after God’s heart because he knew humility.
O Pride, the cankerworm that strangles our spiritual growth!

Tufiakwa Pride! Tufiakwa Pride!! Tufiakwa pride!!!
You made me felt it was ‘I’ who was in charge; after all it’s My Life, My World;
But that was a short-cut to losing all to your maggotry pit. 
You have made me a fool at pinnacle of my ego.
You have finished the ‘I’ in me…
O pride, the enemy of our humanity and divinity!

O Fallen Pride! O Fallen pride!! O Fallen Pride!!!
How have I fallen; and my buffed ego crashed!

Nduka Anthony

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